Category Archives: Your Air

The Parent Trap: Avoid Mistakes in Nursery Projects By Following Three Basic Principles

It’s natural to want your home and nursery to be perfect for your newborn. Unfortunately, the remodeling that many people do in anticipation of the baby’s arrival is typically anything but natural.

But by following these three basic principles, you will avoid the usual traps that well-meaning parents often fall into and optimize your baby’s health – as well as yours. (READ MORE HERE)

Chemicals That Stick to House Dust: Debra Lynn Dadd Interviews Me on Her Radio Show

In this radio interview, Debra Lynn Dadd interviews me about several critical healthy house concerns with special emphasis on certain types of chemicals that most concern me-the chemicals that stick to dust and never go away. They concern me because you and your family may be exposed to high levels of chemicals for many years (as long as the source remains), and babies and small children, who are closest to the floor where dust settles, get the biggest exposures.  If you’d like to learn more about how to avoid or reduce chemicals that you inhale or ingest along with house dust, listen to this radio interview.  On the link below, forward to minute 60 of the interview recording for the beginning of my interview.

When Is It Safe To Move Back In If You’ve Already Used A Toxic Floor Finish?

Over the many years of my consulting practice, I regularly get calls from frantic clients who become sick from conventional outgassing materials and products that have been installed or applied in their homes.
If there are chemicals smells from toxic products in your home, and particularly if you are chemically sensitive, pregnant, or have small children, it’s best not to take any chances and play it safe. However, everyone should avoid toxic exposures from new materials, which further add to the body’s burden of overall toxic build up. If you’re concerned about newer, smelly products and materials in your home, here are some guidelines to follow in an article I wrote for Green Home Guide:

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